Treating Age Spots

by Lacey

Treating Age Spots Secret

Treating Age Spots Secret

Treating age spots use to be like a scavenger hunt in the skin care product isle. I hadn’t a clue what the heck to look for and because my age spots have gotten so dark, I found that the OTC lightening creams weren’t helping me that much.

Then along came a brilliant idea!

I called a few Dermatologist offices (like I was going to make an appointment) and asked to talk to a nurse. Bingo! The answers from both places I called was retinol! Strong retinol!

They recommended seeing the Doctor and getting a prescription for a combination retinol and bleaching cream product they said that their clients found the best in treating age spots.

For the less severe spots and getting rid of those darn ugly liver spots they also suggested some heavy duty OTC retinol products such as the Afirm line which comes in threes different strengths of retinol Afirm 2x and the SkinCeutical skin care line which makes the strongest OTC retinol product at 1%.

I started with the Afirm for because you can start with a lower concentration and quite frankly it is much cheaper. (Just a tiny dab will do too!)

It’s working! Yeah!

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How's the product working?
by: That Reno Gal

Good results? Are your hands very dry too because of the Retinol? Thanks

Natural Age Spot Treatment
by: Yarri

A natural age spot treatment is to soak a q-tip in fresh lemon juice and apply to the age spot(s) on a sunny day for an hour or two.

After several days the age spots begin to fade!

Retinol Samples
by: Jan

If you see a Dermatologist or even go to a professional spa ask for samples! Since you only use a little bit they can last a long time and you'll have an opportunity to see how your skin will react.

I always get a nice big handful of sample size prescription strength retinol from the Dermatologist along with quite a few other skin care sample products. It's a great way to save some money and have the chance to see which treatments will work the best for you.

Age Spot Products
by: W.N.

Very helpful and informative! What a great idea to call around to Doctors offices without even going in for a visit to get advice. Very clever!

You've inspired me to give my age spots a run for their money! They just seem to multiply year after year.

I do know that sunscreen is the most critical factor in preventing damage to the skin. I wish I had been more careful years ago and put on sunscreen every time I ventured outdoors.

Age Spots
by: Anonymous

Age spots are especially difficult to get rid of! How wonderful to hear that something actually works for someone!

How long does the retinol take to work? How many times a day do yo use it? I heard that it can make your skin very dry and flaky. Has that happened to you?

My skin is very sensitive and I am afraid of creating more problems than the ones I'm already dealing with. On the other hand, I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

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