Laser Hair Removal at Home

the nitty gritty on the No!No! hair remover device

Have you wondered if the effort of DIY laser hair removal at home is worth it?

Me too!

laser hair removal at home

After reading a gazillion home laser hair removal reviews I decided to give the No!No! hair remover a try.

So, does it work?


Is it worth purchasing?

For the majority of us, probably not.

The manufacturer promises that this home laser hair removal device will instantly remove hair.

They gone on to promise that it will stay away for weeks with no pain, no mess and no chemicals.

in a simple pro vs. con comparison, the cons won by a landslide

According to the manufacturer's website, the No!No! hair remover uses heat to instantly eliminate and crystallize the hair. Unfortunately, this is not quite the "miracle" DIY laser hair removal at home device I thought it would be.

The device works by suspending what appears to be a super-heated wire a few millimeters above the skin and 'crystallizing' the hair it comes into contact with.

  • Pro:  It does in fact 'crystallize' the hair.

  • Con:  It smells! A lot. Like burning hair. Which, of course, is exactly what happens as the hair 'crystalizes'!

  • Con:  It only works on hair that is exactly the correct length and only reaches the hairs that stand up enough to reach the wire. Meaning, even the hair that was the right length would not be removed if it did not stand straight up out of the follicle.

  • Con:  The hair removal was FAR from instant. It took many, many passes over the same area to remove the majority of the hair. (I'm not sure I ever got all of them) I read every section of the user's manual at least twice, watched the video on the website and practiced my technique, but the process was still VERY time-consuming. My bikini line alone took me a minimum of 20 minutes per session. There was NO WAY I would ever have enough time to keep up with my leg hair.

  • Con:  The device only works properly when the skin is pulled completely taut and when it is gliding over a flat (Read: NO Curves!) area. Anytime it senses a curve, a bone, or any other body structure, it stops.

  • Con:  It is not very effective on coarse hair. Even the website admits that if your hair is thick, coarse, or grows back quickly, "you may need another option."

I purchased the No!No! DIY laser hair removal at home device with the idea that I might be able to eliminate the expense of eyebrow and bikini waxing while possibly reducing the need to shave my legs. As I explained above, treating my legs was ruled out almost instantly.

the website claims "at first, it may take 30-45 minutes" to treat your legs


I spent 30 minutes on one leg and never even made it above the knee.

Treating the hair on the arms went a bit faster and, as a result, was somewhat more gratifying.

Though, all in all, the process of DIY laser hair removal at home- at least with the No!No! hair remover is just so darn tedious and time consuming!

Trying to zap eyebrow hair to shape them up was ruled out almost as quickly as my efforts on my legs.  Even using the narrow "Thermicon" tip, the device was not nearly precise enough to shape or perform maintenance on my eyebrows.  The bony prominences in the eyebrow area also made effective, continuous treatment impossible.

The only area left was the bikini line, which I diligently treated for the entire 6 weeks. At the end of that time period, I still had to shave after each treatment in order to maintain a smooth appearance and only a few small, patchy sections of the hair seemed to be "permanently" removed.

To obtain a more objective view of the No!No! hair remover's effectiveness, I tried to use it on a few areas that were not of concern to me, but on which others might use the product and had a family member do the same.

Our conclusion was that the few people that may benefit from this product were those that would use it on the sideburn area of the face (if the hair was not particularly coarse) and those that wished to perform hair removal on the forearms.

Though, in respect to the forearms, one would need to either shave between treatments or wear long sleeves for at least six weeks straight.

I was quite disappointed in the No!No!'s performance and cannot honestly recommend the purchase of this product.

I highly recommend keeping the phone number of a good waxer on speed dial. . . just in case.

If you do intend to try the No!No!, I wish you the best of luck and recommend keeping the phone number of a good waxer on speed dial. . . just in case.

Since I spent two months diligently testing this particular DIY laser hair removal at home devise, I thought it worthwhile to prepare a Quick Reference Guide on the No!No! hair remover's effectiveness on every specific body region for you:

The Quick Reference Guide: No!No! Hair Remover

If you are still curious about the No!No! hair remover, then by all means, give it a try yourself.  At least the company has an excellent guarantee and return policy!

Author and Brutally Honest Hands-On Product Reviewer:

Leah C., RN, guest writer and experimenter with any spa devise or beauty product that promises to help make the maintenance of a healthy and well-groomed appearance quicker, easier and, above all, cost efficient.

All laser hair removal at home devices:

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