What's your summer skin care plan?
Umbrella's, wide brimmed hats and a bevy of sun protection products or. . .
The deeply tanned Beauty who uses baby oil, sun lamps and tanning booths?
Summer evokes visions of beach beauties radiating gorgeous glistening bronzed skin, the "perfect" tan.
Think about summer and your skin for a moment then stop and ask yourself. . .
How to Improve Skin Health?
Is it the radiantly bronzed Beauty or is it the hidden Beauty lounging under the beach umbrella, slathered in sunscreen from head-to-toe sporting large dark sunglasses, a wide brimmed hat, and a full-length beach cover-up?
Care to quess?
You know the answer to that one already, don't you?
In the heat of that moment of summer sun it appears that the deeply bronzed beach Beauty is clearly winner doesn't it?
The magic of how to improve skin health is all about protecting your skin. The winner is really the hidden Beauty enjoying all the wonder that the beach offers without surrendering her skin to the onslaught of aging UV rays. Summer skin care and sun protection products are silently working wonders for her skin!
Over time, the beautiful, bronzed Beauty will gradually develop all sorts of sun signs of damage like hyperpigmentation, age spots, wrinkles and tough leathery skin while the hidden Beauty's skin will continue to radiate the essence of youth.
See what happens to your skin over time?
Why is that you ask?
Quite simply it is because 90% of all signs of aging skin are a direct result of sun damage!
Think of it this way, have you ever left a piece of fruit in the sun
only to discover later that it has become totally dehydrated, shrunken,
leathery, wrinkled and completely covered in ugly brown and black spots?
That is exactly what happens to your skin over time.
Sun damage is cumulative over the course of your life which means that gradually, year after year, sun damage continues to accrue. Sunscreen is your savior!
It's important to understand a little background information on sun damage.
Basically, it is the skin's way of protecting itself from sun damage! (Yes, really!)
The brown pigment that creates a tanned appearance is melanin which forms to serve as a barrier to block the sun's ultraviolet rays and to protect the skin from damage.
Without the use of sun protection products, ultraviolet, (UV), radiation on both the UVA and UVB spectrum causes skin damage which takes the form of sunburned skin, hyperpigmentation, age spots, wrinkles as well as skin cancer.
Ultraviolet light increases free radical activity which in turn increases cellular damage.
How to Improve Skin Health:
Start early, start young, and throughout your life make a commitment to consistently practice summer skin care strategies like the hidden Beauty at the beach by lounging under an umbrella and using sun protection products.
Your skin will show its appreciation by maintaining its health and a lovely youthful glow as you age.
Summer skin care employs a variety of tried and tested effective techniques which serve to protect the skin by taking advantage of rich antioxidant moisturizers, exfoliating away dead skin cells, keeping the skin hydrated by drinking LOTS of liquid, using skin care treatments that seal in moisture and using sun protection products religiously.
How to improve skin health is all about strategy.
Not mention that you'll love how good your skin looks in the years to come!
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Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatments