Egg Whites to Lessen Dark Circles
by Marla
(Ft. Lauderdale)
Reduce Dark Circles Under the Eyes Naturally
If you use egg whites under your eyes at night, preferably frozen egg whites, you will see a reduction in dark circles under your eyes. This is a less expensive alternative to high priced products.
They work to tighten the skin, reduce swelling and make the eye area look rejuvenated.
Give it a shot, you will be impressed with that quick home remedy.
You sure can't beat the affordability.
There are lots of other homemade rememdies for dark under-eye puffiness too! Many Grandmother's swore by potatoes. Others use cucumber slices. Then, I'm sure you've heard of freezing tea bags and placing them under your eyes for about 10 minutes.
These remedies have been around for a long time because they really work!
Not to mention that they are really cheap and easy to do yourself. . .