Anti Wrinkle Creams
by John Williams
Anti-Wrinkle Creams
Hi Everyone,
The face is most vulnerable to signs of aging and finding an anti wrinkle cream is one way to eliminate those annoying signs of aging.
When selecting a cream for your face look for ones containing natural ingredients and for those that contain retinol.
And know your skin type!
That's very important. . .
For example, if you have dry, sensitive skin then, say, a potent retinol vitamin A cream might be extremely irritating for your skin. But if you have a deeper skin tone and oily skin, then you will want to use the highest concentration of retinol that you can buy over-the-counter because you skin will probably be able to tolerate a more powerful anti-aging treatment.

Editor's Note:
It is also important to be sure that the products you select contain an adequate percentage of the active anti-aging ingredients.
It's helpful to review the
Anti-Aging Treatment Fact Sheet to learn which ingredients have been clinically proven to be effective before deciding which products will best address your aging skin concerns.