The scientific research verifies that alpha-lipoic-acid, commonly referred to as "ALA", along with numerous clinical studies, is a very important and potent active anti-aging ingredient in skin care treatments proven to work effectively to reduce a range of aging skin symptoms.
The potential importance of ALA in treating aging skin began receiving increasingly close attention in the late 1980's. Research progressed quite quickly once the natural powerful benefits of this antioxidant was studied in depth.
ALA has now become well known as a very potent and effective antioxidant, often referred to as "the universal antioxidant".
Alpha lipoic acid is found as a natural component of cells which works in a myriad of ways including, but not limited to:
Due to ALA's dual characteristic as a water and fat soluble natural antioxidant, it is especially beneficial to aid in the regeneration of skin cells.
All these characteristic contribute to rejuvenating aging skin by energizing and maintaining the health of skin cells which in turn slows down the aging process.
The anti-aging properties of ALA also include the ability to protect the skin from future damage from the sun and other environmental factors. Alpha lipoic acid information and clinical studies confirms that this skin rejuvenator works effectively in repairing skin damage.
Due to ALA's powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it has been extensively studied as a therapeutic agent for many chronic diseases including age-related conditions.
Medical professionals and other specialists are now known to recommend Lipoic Acid as a dietary supplement to ward off diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and even some types of cancer.